Gabriella Rosen Kellerman: How To Future-Proof The Uncertain World Of Work

The post-pandemic world we’re all living in sure seems to be more volatile, more toxic, more stressful and more subject to radical change due automation, downsizing, and globalization than ever. And that just means it’s become much harder for any of us human beings to truly flourish in our lives.

As if the past three years of COVID related challenges didn’t already make us feel weary!

Martin Seligman is a University of Pennsylvania professor & the former president of the American Psychological Association. It was Seligman who first argued that psychological research would far better serve society if it focused more on discovering ways to enable human thriving than it does on treating people who already have psychological illness. And with that impetus, he launched the “positive psychology” movement.

Recently, Seligman partnered with Dr. Gabriella Rosen Kellerman in writing the new bestseller, “Tomorrowmind: Thriving At Work With Resilience, Creativity & Connection – Now And In An Uncertain Future.”

Trained in psychology herself – & having earned a medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from Harvard University – she is the chief product and chief innovation officer at human transformation company BetterUp.

Much of Dr. Kellerman’s her work has resulted in identifying five psychological powers she and Martin Seligman believe have become essential to personal well-being & success in the future workplace: (“Resilience & Cognitive Ability,” “Meaning & Mattering,” “Connection & Rapid Rapport Building,” “Prospection” – the forward looking ability to emotionally and logistically prepare for change before it arrives – and, “Creativity & Innovation”).

No one can deny that how we worked ten years ago, how we work today, and how we’ll work just five years from now are all likely to be profoundly different. The entire focus of this conversation with Dr. Kellerman, then, is to help you not just survive in the emerging and new work environment, but to bloom in it.  And it starts by fleshing out these five psychological powers in order that you can master them.

It’s insight we all need assuming life’s about to become more demanding & challenging than it already is today.

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.