Jeff Wetzler: Unleashing the Power of Asking



Research shows that people consistently overestimate their ability to make accurate inferences about what other people are thinking & feeling in any given moment. In actuality, our success in “reading” other people proves to be no better than a coin flip!

But because we’re all so solidly convinced that we’re uniquely skilled at deducing what’s going on inside of people’s minds and hearts, we often go on to make wrong assumptions that end up getting us into trouble – assessments that easily could be avoided were we to take just one important step:

Ask people what they are thinking & feeling.  Get confirmation from them directly.

Jeff Wetzler is an expert in learning & leadership & invites us to unlock hidden insights by mastering the art of asking. His book, “Ask: Tap Into The Hidden Wisdom Of People Around You For Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership & Life” provides a practical guide to tap into the the experience, knowledge & wisdom of people around us. Harvard Business School’s Amy Edmondson wrote the book’s Foreword, & rightfully gave it very high praise.

In this episode, we discuss all of Wetzler’s Five Key Steps:

  1. Choose Curiosity: Cultivate genuine interest in what others think, feel, and know. Curiosity fuels new discoveries and unexpected connections.
  2. Make it Safe: Create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing hard truths. Safety encourages honesty.
  3. Pose Quality Questions: Uncover what truly matters to others. The right questions unlock wisdom.
  4. Listen to Learn: Truly hear what others are saying. Active listening reveals essential insights.
  5. Reflect & Reconnect: Translate conversations into meaningful actions.

In a rapidly changing world, where AI is now replacing various skills, our ability to learn from & connect with our fellow human beings remains crucial. “Ask” equips us with an everyday superpower – one that enhances not only our personal lives but also our teams, organizations & society at large.

“Asking” great questions has become an essential leadership skill.  Listen in as Jeff shares his awesome expertise & guidance on how you can become a master yourself.  We suspect you’ll also note how remarkably thoughtful he is when answering all the questions he’s “asked!”

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.