If you’ve ever felt unseen, under-estimated or unfairly passed over in your career,  this podcast provides all the remedies you’ll need to ensure you never feel that way again!

While we’d all like to believe our career growth will always be the result of a reliable meritocracy, the truth is our success at work is rarely just about the quality of our ideas, credentials, skills, or effort.

According to preeminent Harvard Business School professor, Laura Huang, how well we progress in our careers really hinges on how effective we are in shaping other people’s perceptions – of our strengths and of our flaws. “It’s about creating our own edge by confronting the factors that seem like shortcomings & turning them into assets that make others take notice.”

In this highly energetic & deeply informative conversation, we discuss Laura’s new book “Edge: Turning Adversity Into Advantage,” & dive into four powerful ways her extensive research proves we can & should create our own unique & powerful edge.

The underlying (and hard) truth of Laura’s message is that none of us can afford to wait for other people to make fair decisions on our behalf. So, creating a compelling edge for ourselves is a proactively positive & wise way to succeed in an imperfect system.

Success is about knowing who you are, and using that knowledge unapologetically and strategically. Laura’s book – & our discussion of it – will teach you how to find your unique edge & keep it sharp.

We’re honored that Laura joins us just as her book is being published – this is her first podcast to launch the work!

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.