Mary C. Murphy: How A Culture Of Growth Can Transform Your Team



Nearly two decades ago, Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, introduced the groundbreaking idea that human flourishing can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents & abilities. In her classic book, “Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success,” she taught us that some people have a general belief that their talents and intelligence are predetermined, & largely unalterable (hence, “fixed mindset”), while others believe their talents & abilities can indeed be nurtured and developed (hence, “growth mindset”).

Dweck’s research proved that people who believe that their abilities are fixed are much less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset – people who do believe that abilities can be developed.

In her new bestseller, Cultures Of Growth: How The New Science Of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams & Organizations, Mary C. Murphy, a social psychologist at both Stanford and Indiana Universities, shows that mindset transcends individuals. A growth mindset culture can transform any group, team, or classroom to reach breakthroughs while also helping each person achieve their potential.

When Dweck’s book was just being published, Murphy was her graduate student earning her Ph.D. And it was then that Murphy observed that that “mindset” transcends individuals. Her thesis was that a growth mindset culture could transform any group, team, or classroom to reach breakthroughs while also helping people individually achieve their full potential.

Working with Dweck, & later independently, Murphy spent a decade researching & then proving that organizations & teams which are geared toward growth mindsets, have huge performance upsides. She found they inspire deeper learning, spark collaboration, spur innovation & build the trust necessary for risk-taking and inclusion. They’re also more likely to achieve top results.

As we discuss in this episode, Microsoft was the first company to apply “Growth Mindset” thinking to its overall leadership philosophy and culture.  And, because of their great success they went on to have tied to this thinking, they’re by no means the last.

Listen in to learn how you can create a culture of growth within your own team and organization – & how to build a workplace where everyone can thrive and achieve their potential, both individually and together.

PS: Murphy’s research finds that people are infinitely more excited to work at companies that foster a culture of growth – and that translates into them being more loyal, more engaged and more productive.

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.