Sharon Brous: The Importance Of Fostering Connection In Our Workplaces


Human beings are social creatures. We’re hard-wired to connect deeply & intimately with others. We want to feel valued, supported, & needed. And this makes connection a fundamental aspect of our existence.

But in our busy, technology-driven lives today, we have fewer friends than people did in past generations, we interact less with our neighbors, & the majority of interactions we have with people are now held virtually – not face-to-face. Many of us are even working remotely some days of the week, further limiting the number of other human beings we see & interact with on a regular basis.

Needless to say, we’re missing out on something essential to our emotional & psychological well-being. Connection with others improves the quality of our lives, builds empathy, lengthens our lifespans & makes us less self-focused & more collaborative. It feeds our spirits.

In her new bestseller, “The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend Our Broken Hearts and World,” Sharon Brous says we’ve reached the moment in time when we must restore our relationships with friends, family, co-workers and people in our community – all in order to honor our most basic human instinct – the yearning for real connection.

Of her book, author Daniel Pink says “Sharon Brous has crafted a profound and poetic reminder that the remedy for a fractured world is human connection. The Amen Effect is a powerful call for each of us to show up for others, see them fully, & hold them close.”

Daniel Pink’s testimonial – & another one from Wharton’s Adam Grant – is what caught my attention.

I strongly believe that our workplaces must become centers for connection, that workplace managers must intentionally foster connection – & that leaders who focus on team cohesiveness will be the big winners in the future of work.

To that end, Sharon Brous is urging us to not only invest in relationships of shared purpose, & to build communities of care, but to also “show up for one another in moments of joy & pain, vulnerability & possibility.” The word “amen” in her book’s title refers to the ancient practice of affirming another person’s life experiences by demonstrating, in body & word that: “I see you. You are not alone.” 

It’s really love that we’re all seeking and needing – & our conversation with Sharon Brous is focused on seeing how leaders can support this profound human need in order to ensure their people thrive & are able to perform optimally. You’ll be inspired.

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.