Alex Budak: How To Lead The Change You Want To See In The World?

Are you someone who would love to make a positive change in the world? Could you be an influential change maker?

University of California, Berkeley Haas Business School professor, Alex Budak believes all of us have the potential. And he created a wildly popular class called “Becoming a Changemaker,” which has quickly grown into one of the most highly-rated courses anywhere on the CAL campus.

The popularity of Budak’s class very strongly hints at the underlying desire all of us have – as Steve Jobs once said – “to leave a dent in the universe.”  And how helpful would it be to have a guide on how to implement our ideas of transforming the world (or our team) in some truly meaningful way?

In his new book, Becoming A Changemaker: An Actionable Guide To Leading Positive Change At Any Level,” Budak effectively provides a playbook for leading positive change. It’s a research-backed guide to developing the mindsets and leadership skills needed to navigate, shape, and lead change and to thrive amidst uncertainty.

Alex Budak joins us to discuss his book – and does so in the most interesting and relatable way possible.  As a hint to his marvelous concluding comments, Alex says, “The world needs you to be a change maker. We need you to lead in a way that’s true to who you are and to where you are.”

A truly inspiring conversation!

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.