Jan-Emmanuel De Neve: Transform Your Employees’ Performance by Prioritizing Their Well-Being



Ever wondered what truly drives peak performance at work? As research is now proving, the surprising secret lies in employee well-being.

In this captivating episode, we’re joined by Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, professor of Economics and Behavioral Science at Oxford’s Saïd Business School, the Director of the Wellbeing Research Centre & an editor of the World Happiness Report.

His remarkable study helps confirms the core belief of the Lead From The Heart philosophy: That there is a a direct correlation between how people feel at work & their personal productivity.

The stunning take-away is that leaders who intentionally help support & elevate their employee’s well-being are rewarded with uncommonly high achievement.

In this episode, we explore what inspired Jan to delve into the realm of employee well-being, & how it is differentiated from both employee wellness and employee engagement. We also dive into the major findings from his extensive & long-running research – including his two most important discoveries: (1) that the greatest driver of employee well-being is “belonging,” & (2) that addressing employees’ feelings has become crucial for highly effective leadership.

Last December, on the cusp of finalizing my own upcoming book, I took a train ride from London to Oxford to meet Jan in person. Today, we pick up our conversation where we left off – which includes a focus on Jan’s new book, “Why Workplace Well-Being Matters.”

If you’re interested in transforming your leadership approach – and consistently driving exceptional results, this conversation is a must-listen!

By Mark C. Crowley

Mark C. Crowley is the author of Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century which has been taught in 11 American universities. He is a global speaker, leadership consultant and thought leader on the topics of workplace culture and employee engagement.