Podcast Articles

Rohit Bhargava: The Future Normal: How We Will Live, Work & Thrive In The Next Decade

As life today seems to be becoming more complex & unpredictable by the minute, it sure would be nice if we had a crystal ball to see into the future. And, while seeing into the future with any degree of certainty is, of course, a fantasy, there are trends...

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman: How To Future-Proof The Uncertain World Of Work

The post-pandemic world we’re all living in sure seems to be more volatile, more toxic, more stressful and more subject to radical change due automation, downsizing, and globalization than ever. And that just means it’s become much harder for any of us human beings to...

Uri Gneezy: Avoiding Mixed Signals: How To Align Incentives With Your Values

When hybrid cars first became mass produced over a decade ago, Honda and Toyota had two different strategies. Honda chose to produce a hybrid version of its wildly popular “Civic,” believing brand familiarity would help customers feel more comfortable with its...

Jean Gomes: How To Develop The Mindsets You Need To Flourish In An Uncertain World

When you think about our world today, "turbulent" might be the first word you use to describe it. After a three-year long COVID pandemic fatigued us all, we're now bewildered by a surprising number of employee layoffs occurring in all industries, & equally...